Makeup and Skincare Tips for Mature Skin

Tahira Herold has been a professional makeup artist for over 25 years, with a focus on natural and organic brands and products. She shares her tips and tricks on her Instagram @tahira_makeup, to help empower women 40+ to make better beauty choices. Tahira has been an RMS Beauty Ambassador since 2022 and we're so happy to be spotlighting her on the blog to share some of her best beauty insights, with some special tips for mature skin.

RMS: What are your top 3 tips for warmer-weather beauty?
Tahira Herold: Less is more, keep it simple. With SPF, of course. I love the SuperNatural SPF for a great base, the ReDimension range for a lightweight but long-lasting colour, and just some gloss and maybe a pencil to line the lips. Try applying your fave cheek product to your lids as well for a super simple, harmonized look
RMS: Which 3 RMS beauty products are your favourite and why?
TH: It’s sooo hard to pick just three! THE SERUM MIST( I love it sooooooooooo much), mascara because I love the finish, and the bronzers.
RMS: What's something you think is incredibly important for more mature skin, but is often overlooked?
TH: Layers of thin hydration and not putting makeup all over your skin. If possible, leave out the edges of the face or blend with a clean brush or sponge. This gives the illusion of beautiful skin, rather than a mask of makeup. Skincare is essential but if I had to choose one product it would be the Beauty Oil. It hydrates and preps the skin beautifully.

RMS: How can you prevent makeup from totally melting on hot summer days?
TH: This is where the primer and the less is more comes in. I use minimal on my skin if it is super hot, and then maybe just mascara and gloss so I don't sweat my look off. I love an old-fashioned hand-held fan to wave around in the heat. Makes me feel elegant!
RMS: What's a guilty pleasure you'll never give up and why?
TH: Gummy sweets. I don't have them often but if my son gets some I often steal a few. They remind me of my childhood because my dad used to bring them back from Europe.

RMS: Who's your role model and why? Any quotes from them that you've come to live by?
TH: I don't really have role models, but I am inspired by the women around me doing great and brave things. Both privately and publicly changing their lives for them and their families.
"Move confidently in the direction of your dreams." - Thoreau
I had that quote on my fridge in my 20s and then got a bit cynical, but I have returned to dreaming and believing again, and everything is better.
I also love "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it." - Anne of Green Gables - reminding us that we can always start again.